Meeting of OPCW member states’ national committees starts

The 12th regional meeting of the national committees of the member states of the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) started today in Zagreb

The 12th regional meeting of the national committees of the member states of the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) started today in Zagreb. The meeting was opened by Vesna Batistić Kos, Assistant Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and chairperson of the National Committee for the Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, and Grace Asirwatham, Deputy Director-General of the OPCW.

The meeting, co-organized by Croatia and the OPCW, is taking place until 16 May and is being attended by 26 participants from 22 countries from the regional group of parties to the OPCW.

Batistić Kos underlined the importance of the national committees in the implementation of CWC and thanked the OPCW for the opportunity for Croatia to host the meeting. She said that the threat posed by the weapons of mass destruction, especially the chemical ones, was rising once again and that cooperation through national committees was one of the key prevention measures. Asirwatham thanked Croatia for the continuous support for the work of the OPCW as well as the strengthening of security cooperation among the countries in the region. The OPCW places great importance on the meetings of national committees as they represent a forum for sharing experiences, exchanging contacts, analysing activities and proposing future activities based on life and work in the region. 

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