Meeting of Lider’s Club of Exporters

(Lider) - The 11th meeting of Lider’s Club of Exporters was the first one that showed a mild optimism on the exporters’ part, prompted among other things by the 2014-2015 Export Support Action Plan

(Lider) - The 11th meeting of Lider’s Club of Exporters was the first one that showed a mild optimism on the exporters’ part, prompted among other things by the 2014-2015 Export Support Action Plan, in the drafting of which the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs was also involved.

“This is the first meeting where our 18 members do not have to parrot that export is crucial for coming out of the recession. Today we don’t have to beg to be heard, because our hosts from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs are pointing to concrete measures taken as part of the Action Plan,” said Lider’s Editor in Chief Miodrag Šajatović, opening the 11th meeting of Lider’s Club of Exporters.

“This is not some plan we came up with just to say we have one,” said First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić. “We have formulated these measures with an ear to the input by the exporters gathered in Lider’s club and other groups as well as the exporters themselves, and have detected two key areas. We have to assist the investors and exporters alike so we started from the obstacles business people encounter. And secondly, we have created a mechanism in which a new government continues as a partner and a public service,” Pusić said.

“The Action Plan also foresees a billion kunas that the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development will be allocating through export support programmes. There are also a lot of other mechanisms, including development assistance projects. Next year Croatia will begin to donate to the European Development Fund, which we can and should tap into as well,” the minister said.

Deputy Minister Joško Klisović outlined the measures of the Action Plan, underlining that it aimed at achieving three major goals: supporting export, protecting the interests of our companies and attracting investment, citing 1532 actions that have been taken to that end.

Pusić and Klisović answered questions after the meeting, while President of Lider’s Club of Exporters Miodrag Šajatović announced the following meeting for 2nd July. 

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