- Published: 30.09.2003.
mbassador Tus presented the document “Croatian Annual Programme” to Mr. Günter Altenburg...

On 30 September 2003, Ambassador Anton Tus, the Croatian Permanent Representative to NATO, presented the document “Croatian Annual Programme” to Mr. Günter Altenburg, NATO Assistant Secretary-General for Political Issues, in Brussels. By the presentation of this document, the Republic of Croatia begins the second one-year cycle of its participation in the NATO Membership Action Plan.
NATO Membership Action Plan directs potential candidates to create a more efficient state administration and reform of defence and security system in order to harmonise them with NATO standards. Through this mechanism, Croatia obtains free advice on the implementation and speeding up of its reforms.
The Croatian Annual Programme foresees specific activities by the Republic of Croatia from Autumn 2003 to Summer 2004 in political, defence, financial, security and legal aspect of the process of preparations for future membership in NATO.