Gorski Kotar damage estimate to be submitted to EU within 10 weeks

(Hina) Croatia is to submit to the EU an estimate of the damage caused by extreme winter conditions in Gorski Kotar within 10 weeks and if criteria are met will apply for compensation from European funds

(Hina) Croatia is to submit to the EU an estimate of the damage caused by extreme winter conditions in Gorski Kotar within 10 weeks and if criteria are met will apply for compensation from European funds, said Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić.

Pusić met with a task force composed of representatives of the ministries and services in charge of assessing the damage caused by what has been classified as a natural disaster.

The national electricity company HEP estimated the damage to power lines and towers at 50 million kunas.

"Depending on the task force's estimates, Croatia will approach the EU Solidarity Fund," Pusić said.

The meeting was attended by Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak as well as representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Croatian Forests, Croatian Waters and Primorsko-Goranska County.

An EU member state has 10 weeks from a natural disaster to apply for compensation from the EU Solidarity Fund.

Extremely low temperatures, icy rain and snow in Gorski Kotar have caused extensive damage to state property, HEP power grid and woods owned by the Croatian Forests.

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