Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Croatia and Kingdom of Belgium, Miomir Žužul and Louis Michel in Vukovar ...

Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Croatia and Kingdom of Belgium, Miomir Žužul and Louis Michel, met today, 4 March, in Vukovar with Head of the Vukovarsko-srijemska county Nikola Šafer, Mayor of the city of Vukovar Vladimir Štengl and representatives of the Serbian National Council Vojislav Stanimirović and Jovan Ajduković, who thanked the Belgian minister for the help his country has offered in the reconstruction of Vukovar

Ministers Žužul and Michel visited the objects the reconstruction of which Belgian government is interested in: steel bridge on the Danube near Erdut, the Jirkovski palace, where courses in economy, and electrical and mechanical engineering of University of Osijek will be held, and the port of Vukovar, where they held a press conference. Minister Michel said that he came to Vukovar to confirm Belgium’s friendship, adding that he believes there is a great economic potential here. He expressed his optimism regarding Croatia’s European efforts, adding that he witness during his visit that this Croatian government has ambition, vision, and a modern and open mind, and that Croatia can serve as an example to other countries in the region. The Belgian minister pointed out that Belgium still considers Croatia its privileged partner and is willing to help it any time. Louis Michel expressed his conviction that Croatia will soon be a member of the European family – the European Union – to which it naturally belongs, evidenced by Croatia’s long history and outstanding culture.

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