Foreign Minister Žužul and EU High Representative for CFSP and Secretary General Javier Solana

Croatian Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul and EU High Representative for CFSP and Secretary General Javier Solana, with associates, held today a working meeting at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Zagreb

Minister Žužul described Mr Solana’s visit as an act of encouragement and support, and a clear indication of the European Union’s position towards Croatia. Minister Žužul pointed out the Croatian government’s determination to meet all Copenhagen criteria and expressed his satisfaction that the two delegation’s opinions on the political activities in the region were identical. Croatia is determined to serve as an example to other countries in the region with its positive approach to solving all open issues. High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU Javier Solana said that today’s meeting comes at an important time for Croatia and welcomed with great the political direction that Croatia already took, and is being kept by the new government. The EU High Representative pointed out the importance of the Croatian justice system reform, good relations with the Hague Tribunal and the solving of the refugee return issue. The political direction that the Croatian government is heading in is crucial in further deepening and strengthening the relations between Croatia and the EU, said High Representative Solana. Later today, High Representative Solana is meeting with the Croatian President Stjepan Mesić, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and President of the Croatian Parliament Vladimir Šeks, and will address the presidents of the parliamentary parties and members of the Foreign Policy Committee, European Integrations Committee and the Committee for Internal Policy and National Security of the Croatian Parliament. Before leaving Zagreb, High Representative Solana will meet with the Heads of the European Commission’s Delegation to Croatia in their Zagreb office.

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