FM Pusić on the event in Srebrenica

"It is certainly good that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia came to the commemoration marking 20 years since the genocide against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica...

"It is certainly good that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia came to the commemoration marking 20 years since the genocide against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica. The Prime Minister came to honor the victims caused by the politics of Slobodan Milošević. Through his presence, the Prime Minister showed how much Serbia had changed in those 20 years. At the same time at the cemetery in Srebrenica, families were burying the remains of their murdered members. I assume that the Serbian Prime Minister had expected there would be abusive comments, but still decided to attend the event. That is certainly a positive and necessary step to take. I condemn the behavior of the rioters who tried to physically assault the Prime Minister. It was good that the mufti, who had been about to lead the prayer, reacted immediately by calling on those present to treat all guests with the same respect. However, the purpose of the large gathering in Srebrenica is to honor the more than 8000 Bosniaks killed by Ratko Mladić and his accomplices 20 years ago, as well as a demonstration of the political will for something of the kind never to be repeated anywhere. Nothing can cloud that fact. It is in that light, too, that I perceive the reaction by the Serbian Prime Minister Vučić to the incident which happened to him. I consider such a view of his to be positive."

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