FM Pejčinović Burić attends FAC

Deputy prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 16 July 2018 in Brussels attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council

Deputy prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 16 July 2018 in Brussels attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council.

The EU foreign ministers discussed the implementation of the goals of the Eastern Partnership in preparation for a ministerial meeting of the Eastern Partnership which will take place on the sidelines of a Council meeting in October this year and for marking the 10th anniversary of this initiative next year. The ministers agreed that all 20 goals defined at the summits in Riga in 2015 and Brussels in 2017 were being implemented well. The activities are aimed at strengthening the economy, good governance, connectivity, mobility and interpersonal contacts. It is crucial for the partners to continue the reform processes as that is an investment in security, stability, prosperity and resilience for both our partners and us in the EU, the meeting said.

The Council discussed the situation in Libya, with an emphasis on the political process which is to lead to a constitutional referendum and elections in December. The EU continues to support efforts by UN special envoy Salame in mediating between Libyan parties to create prerequisites for a political transition and talks on a solution that would be acceptable to all the parties involved. In regard to migrations, the EU is providing support through the EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya and Operation Sophia in the Mediterranean aimed at combating migrant smuggling, and is assisting the Libyan coastguard in strengthening its capabilities. It plans to further strengthen activities in response to the challenge of migrations.

The ministers discussed North Korea in light of positive developments following the summits between North Korea and South Korea and between the US and North Korea, and welcomed the positive elements, especially recent high-level meetings. The EU will support the political process and efforts towards complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation of North Korea, and will continue its humanitarian involvement given the difficult situation and living conditions in the country.

The Council also briefly discussed other current international issues – the nuclear deal with Iran, the International Criminal Court in light of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute and Southeast Europe in the context of the recent Berlin Process summit in London.

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