FM Kovač: Croatia supports democratically elected government of Turkey

(Hina) - Croatia supports the elected authorities in Ankara and underscores the importance of respect for the constitutional and legal order and the rule of law, Croatian Foreign Minister Miro Kovač said

(Hina) - Croatia supports the elected authorities in Ankara and underscores the importance of respect for the constitutional and legal order and the rule of law, Croatian Foreign Minister Miro Kovač said on Saturday in his comment on the failed coup attempt in Turkey in the night between Friday and Saturday.

"Croatia supports legitimately and democratically elected authorities in Turkey," Kovač said adding that Croatian citizens staying in Turkey were safe.

The Croatian minister told a news conference that he had talked with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu and Turkish Ambassador in Zagreb, Ahmet Tuta, to convey to them Croatia's support to the authorities legitimately elected.

US President Barack Obama voiced his support for the democratically-elected government of Turkey, and that government is also supported by the European Union, China and many other countries,

Russia has reiterated its readiness to join in the constructive cooperation with legitimate Turkish leadership.

Kovač said that the Croatian ministry would continue informing the public of the developments and coordinate its activities with partners in the EU and NATO.

Croatians are advised against travelling to Turkey currently.

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