FM Kovač comments Šešelj verdict

Statement by Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač on today’s verdict by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Statement by Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač on today’s verdict by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

“Earlier today, the ICTY acquitted Vojislav Šešelj of crimes against humanity. Such a ruling is offensive and shocking to all victims of the aggressive Greater Serbian policy and is destructive for the process of reconciliation among people and the neighbouring countries. All those around the globe making warmongering speeches, calling for ethnic cleansing and implementing a policy of violent remaking of internationally recognised borders have thus received a moral carte blanche.

We are going to analyse the ruling in detail and expect the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office to respond in kind.”

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