FM Kovač receives bilingual French grammar school students

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač received junior and senior students of Zagreb’s bilingual French grammar school (XVIII Grammar School), accompanied by their professors and the headmaster

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač received junior and senior students of Zagreb’s bilingual French grammar school (XVIII Grammar School), accompanied by their professors and the headmaster.

The visit is part of the Francophonie Month programme and is one of the regular visits by high school and university students to MFEA organized by the Diplomatic Academy.

The purpose of the visit was to inform the students about MFEA’s activities and priorities, as well as the development of Croatia’s foreign service and public diplomacy, with special emphasis on the importance of multilingualism and the possibilities the knowledge of French opens up in diplomacy and international institutions.

Participating in the programme were Ambassador Filip Vučak and MFEA coordinators for the Francophonie, Ambassador Mladen Andrlić and Dušanka Šulje. The languages used were Croatian and French. 

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