FM holds talks with deputy chair of Bosnian Parliament's House of Peoples

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman 20 September 2019 received Dragan Čović, deputy chair of the Bosnian Parliament's House of Peoples

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman 20 September 2019 received Dragan Čović, deputy chair of the Bosnian Parliament's House of Peoples and president of the HDZ BiH party.

The two officials discussed the current political situation in BiH, additional boosting of Croatia-BiH relations, as well as foreign-policy goals of joining the EU and NATO.

Čović underlined that building progress and stability through equality, dialogue and compromise were the only way for BiH to have a prosperous future.

Emphasizing Croatia’s desire for a developed and European BiH, Grlić Radman said Croatia would continue to push for the Euro-Atlantic integration of its neighbouring country, as well as its stability and prosperity. Respecting the European values means giving equal status to BiH Croats, as well as legitimate representation of all three constituent peoples.

Grlić Radman and Čović expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ friendly relations and cooperation in the implementation of mutual goals.


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