Dr. Ivan Šimonović met the Greek alternative MF, Tassos Giannitsis...

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Ivan Šimonović, met the Greek alternative Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tassos Giannitsis, on Tuesday, 6 May 2003. The topics they discussed included multilateral and bilateral cooperation.

Dr. Šimonović thanked Minister Giannitsis for the fact that under the Greek presidency of the EU the Council of Ministers decided to forward the membership application of the Republic of Croatia to the European Commission for review. With regard to the priorities of the Summit in Salonika, both officials emphasised the clear European perspective for the SEE states and their admission to the European Union depending on their speed in meeting the requirements.

Tassos Giannitsis also reported that the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the EU would be forwarded to the Greek Parliament for ratification next week.

With regard to the bilateral cooperation between Croatia and Greece, both officials agreed on the promotion of cooperation in tourism and traffic. To this end there will soon be a meeting of travel agencies and air carriers and ferry operators. It was concluded that concerted efforts of both states in tourism could result in better economic effects.

Minister Giannitsis has accepted the invitation to visit the Republic of Croatia in September this year.

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