Diplomatic Academy organized 13th CEI Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum entitled “Strategic Public Diplomacy”

The Forum is taking place via presentations by the plenary session participants and within the working groups on public diplomacy

The Forum is taking place via presentations by the plenary session participants and within the working groups on public diplomacy. Interacting with the diplomats from the CEI member countries, discussions are taking place on the efficiency of communication between the government bodies and the public in subject countries. ¬

Speeches were held by Dubrovnik Mayor Andro Vlahušić, CEI Secretary General Gerhard Pfanzelter, Head of the Office of the Dubrovnik Postgraduate Center at the University of Zagreb Vlasta Brunsko, and Director of the MFAEI Diplomatic Academy Mladen Andrlić. They reviewed the Forum’s achievements since its first holding in 1998, pointing out that the Forum had gained international reputation, become the traditional meeting place of the diplomatic community and members of the academic community from the Central, Eastern, and South Easter Europe, including the countries outside of those regions.

This year’s Forum saw the participation of representatives from the 12 CEI countries and six non-member countries, as well as representatives of international organizations and the US Embassy to the Republic of Croatia.

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