Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković received on inaugural visit Kaspars Ozolinš, Latvian Ambassador to Croatia residing in Prague

The collocutors described the bilateral relations as very good, friendly and unburdened by outstanding issues

The collocutors described the bilateral relations as very good, friendly and unburdened by outstanding issues. They agreed that there was room for further improvement of the relations, expressing a wish for the strengthening of the economic cooperation in particular.

Minister Jandroković informed Ambassador Ozolinš about the current status of Croatia’s EU accession negotiation and the plans for their closing by the end of the Hungarian EU presidency in June this year. He specifically pointed out the actions the Croatian government was taking to meet all of the criteria and successfully close Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights.

He expressed gratitude for the overall support and expert assistance Latvia had been offering Croatia in the realization of its foreign-policy goals since the gaining of independence, and especially during the ongoing process of EU negotiations. He also expressed interest in Latvia’s experiences gained during the first year of EU membership.

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