Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković participated in London conference on Libya

The conference discussed the current situation in Libya and reviewed the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011)

The conference discussed the current situation in Libya and reviewed the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011). It also considered the existing humanitarian needs, as well as the ways of supporting the Libyan people in their aspirations for a better future.

Minister Jandroković emphasized the importance of the conference by which the international community further stimulated harmonized actions of the relevant international players directed at finding solutions to the Libyan crisis. He pointed out that Croatia harshly condemned the use of force by the Gaddafi regime against civilians and that such forms of violence needed to case immediately.

He also pointed out that Croatia, as a country taking active part in the international efforts to prevent further civilian casualties in Libya, was fully supporting the implementation of resolution 1973 (2011) on establishing a no-fly zone and stiffening the existing sanctions against the Gaddafi regime imposed by resolution 1970 (2011). In that regard, he applauded NATO’s decision to take full control over all the military operations launched to implement the two resolutions, as well as establish peace in Libya and stability in the region.

In that sense, Minister Jandroković also stressed the importance of fully respecting the legal framework and mandate set by the relevant resolutions in order to take, individually or through regional organizations and arrangements – especially by members of the Arab League and the African Union – all the necessary measures to protect the civilians in Libya.

Additionally, Croatia shares the deep concern over the humanitarian situation in Libya and supports the European Union’s plans to launch humanitarian protection of the Libyan people as soon as possible.

The minister also welcomed the initiative to set up the Libya Contact Group, through which the international community would enhance its coordinated actions towards Libya. The group should strengthen the international efforts and create the political framework for an all-inclusive approach to solving the crisis in Libya.

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