Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković participated, for the first time since Croatia closed negotiations with the EU, in the “Gymnich Meeting”

During the meeting, Minister Jandroković held a series of bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of the EU members

During the meeting, Minister Jandroković held a series of bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of the EU members, with whom he discussed the activities awaiting Croatia on its road to the full-fledged EU membership. He once again thanked for the support during the final stages of the negotiations, expressing belief that it would continue in the coming period as well, which will see Croatia signing the Accession Treaty in late-November/early-December, as well as its ratification in the member countries. He said that Croatia would continue to meet the obligations entailed by the membership and expressed satisfaction that Croatia would be able to play a more active role in the shaping and implementation of the common foreign policy of the EU, pointing out that the EU and neighbourhood had been and remained Croatia’s focus.

The topics of the informal ministerial meeting included the current situation in the countries of southern and eastern EU neighbourhood, as well as the common efforts being put forth to aid the democratic transition in those countries.

In regard to the situation in Libya, Minister Jandroković said that the course of the events clearly proved the validity of the decisions reached. He expressed hope that after the final demise of Gaddafi’s regime foundations would be laid for the democratic forces to begin building a new country that would ensure an equal level of protection for all of the Libyan citizens. He pointed out the importance of taking all the necessary steps in these crucial moments to avoid further bloodshed between the forces loyal to the old regime and those of the National Transitional Council, stressing that this historic moment for the Libyan people should not be marked by revenge and violence, but by reconciliation, renewal of the national unity and a peaceful transition.

He also said that, like before, Croatia was willing to participate in the reconstruction of the post-conflict Libya, in light of its experiences with the post-conflict institutional reconstruction. At the same time, given the new political and humanitarian priorities in the field, Croatia is also considering humanitarian aid, with an emphasis on the medical needs and humanitarian demining.

Similarly, Croatia has recognized the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people as well, who deserve a wide and undivided support, said Minister Jandroković. He recalled that Croatia had joined the EU statement calling for President Assad to step down, as his regime had lost all legitimacy and credibility. He said he fear that, after all of the crimes committed against the Syrian people, the situation could not revert to the way it had been before the escalation of violence, but described as promising the signals of the opposition forces’ consolidation. In that regard, he stressed the importance of the international community’s involvement to prevent further violence and assist the forces that had set a democratic Syria ad their priority.

Regarding the political framework of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership, the minister pointed out that the recent events in the eastern neighbourhood proved that one should not lose sight of the democratization and stabilization processes in the countries east of Ukraine either. He said that the coming Eastern Partnership Summit would provide an opportunity for evaluating the current situation and getting feedback from the partnership countries. The Republic of Croatia considers the Eastern Partnership an important EU initiative for the stabilization of the eastern neighbourhood, concluded Minister Jandroković, expressing satisfaction that Croatia would participate in the summit.

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