Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković met in Paris with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé

The ministers expressed satisfaction over the excellent bilateral relations and partnership cooperation between the two countries, especially in the process of European integration and regional stabilization

The ministers expressed satisfaction over the excellent bilateral relations and partnership cooperation between the two countries, especially in the process of European integration and regional stabilization. They stressed the importance of the previous year’s signing of strategic partnership, which has become the framework of bilateral cooperation and facilitated tighter and more intensive bilateral ties between Croatia and France.

Minister Jandroković expressed gratitude for the support France had been continuously showing Croatia during its accession negotiations with the EU, pointing out that Croatia faced the key weeks of their final phase. The ministers agreed that it was possible to conclude the negotiations by the end of the month, as well as to sign the Accession Treaty during the Polish EU presidency.

Minister Jandroković recalled the complex and rigorous methodology of the negotiation process, but said it helped Croatia and the EU in terms of validity and efficient implementation of reforms. As a result, all segments of the Croatian society have seen far-reaching and irreversible reforms.

He specifically mentioned the Croatian government’s intense reformative efforts in judiciary, the progress in combating corruption, the legal framework for realising the fundamental and minority rights, as well as full cooperation with the ICTY, as confirmed by the latest report by Chief Prosecutor Brammertz.

Regarding the proposal to monitor the pre-accession period, Minister Jandroković pointed out the necessity of finding a consolidated solution that would in no way slow down the conclusion of the negotiations.

Minister Juppé said that France strongly supported the completion of Croatia’s negotiations as soon as possible, as well as its joining the EU.

The meeting also discussed the situation in South Eastern Europe, with ministers agreeing that the Euro-Atlantic perspective is the only guarantee of the region’s lasting stability. Minister Jandroković expressed readiness to transfer Croatia’s experience gained during NATO and EU accession to the rest of the Southeast European countries.

Conclusively, the ministers signed a statement of intent on holding the Croatian cultural season in France in 2012. It is an event that during the fall next year will present Croatia’s traditional heritage and modern cultural creations.

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