Deputy Minister Klisović discusses US-Croatia economic relations

An event organized at the Rochester Institute of Technology by the US Chamber of Commerce titled “Opportunities and Challenges of the US-Croatia Economic Relations” discussed the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

An event organized at the Rochester Institute of Technology by the US Chamber of Commerce titled “Opportunities and Challenges of the US-Croatia Economic Relations” discussed the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, US Embassy in Zagreb and business community in regard to launching the negotiations on the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty between the EU and Croatia.

Deputy Minister Joško Klisović spoke about the prospects of economic cooperation and the US companies’ interest in investing in Croatia, as well as trade, which since the onset of the recession in 2008 has yet to reach its former heights. He outlined the Croatian government’s efforts to improve investment climate and set up legislations aimed at eliminating the remaining obstacles for investments in Croatia. Underlining the importance of signing the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the strengthening of economies on both sides of the Atlantic, Klisović said it would have smaller effect without signing of the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty. He pointed out that it was in both countries’ governments’ interest as well as in the interest of the business community that Croatia be placed high on the priority list of countries with which talks are to be launched, and invited the American business community to push for the realization of this goal.

Addresses were also delivered by the Ministry of Finance Director General of the Tax Administration Nada Smiljanec Čavlović and Chief of the US Embassy Economic Section Thomas Johnston.

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