Deputy Minister Klisović attends informal meeting of FAC (Trade)

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović attended an informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade), held October 15th in Rome

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović attended an informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade), held October 15th in Rome. The meeting of the EU trade ministers focused on the EU-US talks on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), bilateral relations with Ukraine and Russia, and the Doha Development Round of WTO. The European Commission informed the ministers about the status of legislative recommendations regarding the modernization of trade protection instruments and the international public procurement instrument.

This was the last FAC (Trade) meeting attended by the current EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht.

In his address, Klisović stressed the importance of TTIP talks for small and medium-sized entrepreneurships, on which the Croatian economy is based on. “Croatia supports the European Commission’s talks with the US, notably in regard to mobility. The mobility of natural persons is extremely important for reaping the benefits of trade liberalization. The TTIP offers the possibility of simplifying the movement of highly-educated service providers,” said Klisović. He pointed out that Croatia was still not using the visa exemption system and that the TTIP should ensure equal trade conditions for all EU member states. “Croatia has a bilateral agreement with the EU on investment protection and supports the inclusion of clauses on disputes between investors and states into the TTIP agreement,” Klisović said. 

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