Croatian, Swedish foreign ministers talk bilateral ties, EU, situation in S-E Europe

(Hina) - Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Davor Ivo Stier on Wednesday held talks with Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and topics related to the European Union, the situation in Southeast Europe and the region's stability

(Hina) - Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Davor Ivo Stier on Wednesday held talks with Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and topics related to the European Union, the situation in Southeast Europe and the region's stability.

Stier was visiting Sweden as part of his tour of Nordic countries the purpose of which is to intensify what he described as neglected relations with those countries.

Stier said the failure to work on advancing relations with Nordic countries had led to unconfirmed reports in the Swedish media that Sweden was considering closing down its embassy in Zagreb.

"We will now step up our cooperation and after this visit, Croatia's Economy Minister (Martina Dalić) and President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović are expected to visit (Sweden) in the course of this year," Stier said, adding that it was confirmed at today's talks that the Swedish Embassy in Zagreb would not be closed down and that the cooperation would continue.

"We discussed with the Minister (Wallstrom) a number of topics related to the EU, the situation in Southeast Europe and regional stability. We agreed on many issues regarding cooperation between our development agencies and specific projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina," said Stier.

He confirmed that the economic cooperation between the two countries was good and that the Croatian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce significantly contributed to it.

Stier said that he would visit the Ericsson company and recalled that Ericsson-Nikola Tesla was a successful Croatian company employing around 3,000 people.

"It is important to us that a research and development centre with a global dimension is developing in Croatia. Successful companies that Sweden and Croatia are developing together can serve as a model," said the Croatian minister.

He also told reporters that he held a meeting with the Croat expatriate community in Stockholm and Croat representatives from Gothenburg, as well as that he would meet members of the Croat community in Malmo.

He confirmed that there was a problem regarding the education of Croatian children in Sweden, more specifically the need to issue school certificates also in the Croatian language.

"I mentioned that problem at the meeting with the minister and received assurances that the government would deal with it, even though local authorities are responsible for the matter," said Stier.

Stier today also met with Parliament Deputy Speaker Tobias Billstrom. After Sweden, Stier travels to Iceland and Denmark.

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