Croatian Ambassador to Malaysia Željko Bošnjak opened at National Arts Gallery in Kuala Lumpur exhibition “Modern Croatian Drawings”

The exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Croatian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Croatian Ministry of Culture, and features an overview of the works of 70 modern Croatian painters

The opening ceremony saw the attendance of some 400 invitees from Malaysia’s political, cultural and public life, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and members of the Malaysian Association of Croatian Artists, including the best-known Malaysian painter Dato' Syed Ahmad Jamal. In his speech, Ambassador Bošnjak pointed out the importance of culture as a linking force between people and nations, describing it as one of Croatia’s foreign -and internal-policy priorities. Ambassador Bošnjak presented the National Arts Gallery a mep of serigraphs by academic graphic artist Marija Ujević Galetović, donated by Edicija Straža.

The travelling Modern Croatian Drawings exhibition, which has so far been set up in over 20 countries of Europe, South America, Africa and Asia, shows the variety and complexity of the stylistic and artistic drawings in Croatia, and in Kuala Lumpur it features 140 works by 70 artists. After Kuala Lumpur, the exhibition will be set up from November 11th to December 11th in Georgetown, the capital of the Malaysian State of Penang.

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