Croatian Ambassador to Japan Drago Štambuk met with Tokamachi Mayor Yoshifumi Sekiguchi

The two discussed the City of Tokamachi’s decision to build a Croatian House, which would be the focal point of the Croatian-Japanese friendship

The initiative to build the Croatian House was launched by Ambassador Štambuk 3 years ago. At the Croatian Playground, which, after a stay by thee Croatian football team for the 2002 World Championship, sees the annual Croatia Cup football tournament, architects Penezić and Rogina are going to build a project of the house of Croatian-Japanese friendship with a sports, cultural and social purpose. This is the first time that Croatian architects are designing a building in Japan, a building of highly symbolic purpose and significance.

Ambassador Štambuk, in agreement with the mayor of Tokamachi, also launched a process of establishing friendship with the Croatian city of Samobor. Tokamachi also hosts the world-famous Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, which this year will see the participation of two artists from Croatia - Kristina Lenard and Mirjana Vodopija.

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