Croatia welcomes Security Council Resolution 2118

The Republic of Croatia welcomes the 27 September adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 2118 on Syria, which it considers as important step towards finding a sustainable political solution...

The Republic of Croatia welcomes the 27 September adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 2118 on Syria, which it considers an important step towards finding a sustainable political solution to the Syrian crisis. The resolution came after a decision by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that set a timeline for the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons and opened up the possibility of implementing international standards for the prevention of WMD proliferation.

We call on the Syrian side to meet all the commitments and deadlines set by said documents in order to ensure that Syria’s chemical weapons will be completely destroyed no later than mid-2014. We expect of the Syrian authorities to continue to cooperate unconditionally with the UN and OPCW, and no later than 1 October allow the OPCW inspectors to enter Syria and grant them access to all sites.  

Croatia considers it important that the resolution determines that the use of chemical weapons represents a threat to international peace and security, and affirms the principle of responsibility for those that use it.

We believe that the resolution, which confirms the Geneva communiqué from 30 June 2012, will prompt negotiations and organisation of Geneva II peace conference in order to end the bloodshed and find a lasting political solution for the conflict in Syria. Croatia from the very beginning has been supporting a peaceful transition of power in Syria and considers the interim government with full authority a necessary first step in creating preconditions for the development of Syria into a democratic and inclusive society. We also call for additional efforts in providing humanitarian aid to Syrian people.  


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