Croatia marks UN Day

  • Slika
The United Nations Day, 24 October, marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945, which laid the foundation for preserving world peace and security.
The UN is the most important multilateral platform for dialogue among countries, seeking answers to global issues and trying to ensure a perspective for future generations. In the nearly eight decades of its existence, the UN has been faced with numerous global crises. Today, we are also facing escalating crises and conflicts with global consequences, from Ukraine to the Middle East, the aftermath of the pandemic, as well as increasingly frequent natural disasters as a result of climate change.
Despite its shortcomings, the UN has achieved a number of important results, including maintaining a multilateral platform and searching for resolutions to acute and long-standing challenges. Additionally, along with constant and necessary reforms, the UN will continue to advance the efficiency and relevance of its main organs and institutions based on three pillars of action – peace and security, development, and human rights. In that context, the current 78th session of the UN General Assembly has a special task of preparing the Summit of the Future, which is to take place in New York in less than a year.
Croatia has been actively contributing to the UN for more than three decades, which is especially visible through its ECOSOC and PBC membership, the latter of which it is chairing this year. In addition, Croatian experts are contributing to the work of the Commission on International Trade Law, WTO Executive Council, Committee on Contributions, and Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture.
In order to advance its contribution and visibility in the international community, Croatia has announced its candidacy for the Human Rights Committee (2025-2028), PBC (2026-2027), Security Council (2030-2031) and the Human Rights Council (2032-2034).

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