Croatia marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

On 25 November the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, designated in 1999 by the United Nations in remembrance of the Mirabal sisters

On 25 November the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, designated in 1999 by the United Nations in remembrance of the Mirabal sisters, who were executed on this day in 1960 by Dominican’s dictator Rafael Trujillo. The elimination of this kind of violence is one of Croatia’s foreign policy priorities, supporting international resolutions and documents aimed at eliminating all forms of violence against women. We also take every opportunity to address this issue and take active part in the development of strategies and the promotion of legal framework and practical measures for its prevention and eradication.

Worldwide, one in three women has endured physical or sexual violence. According to the UN declaration of 1993, violence against women constitutes a violation of human rights and is a consequence of discrimination, inequality and stereotypes. Unfortunately, in spite of the legal mechanisms in force, violence against women and girls is still the most prevalent form of human rights violation in the world. Its elimination requires an integrated approach, with special emphasis on preventive measures and victim support.  

It is to that end that Croatia in 2018 ratified the Istanbul Convention, underscoring a permanent intention to take measures to promote gender equality and eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women, including family violence.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs promotes within international organizations and in bilateral relations the importance of education and preventive action, empowerment of women, education of girls and higher quality of that education, women’s access to economic resources, political participation and representation of women, as well as changing social norms and prejudice which lead to violence against women.

Combating all forms of violence against women will remain one of our priorities in the area of human rights.


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