Celebrating Europe Day

Europe Day is marked on 9 May in commemoration of the Schuman Declaration, which started Europe on the path to today’s European Union

Europe Day is marked on 9 May in commemoration of the Schuman Declaration, which started Europe on the path to today’s European Union. “The Schuman Declaration was a peace manifesto that laid the groundwork for modern-day Europe. Today, in perhaps the most challenging moments that we are trying to weather together and when this unity is being questioned, we can hark back to the Schuman Declaration. Its answer is always the same – there is no alternative to peace and prosperity in Europe,” Minister Grlić Radman said in his message on Europe Day.

Despite all the challenges and difficulties we are facing, the EU is still a symbol of peace, wellbeing, democracy, human rights and the quality of life.

The scope of the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of the key principles that have led to the Europe we know today – a Europe of unity and solidarity, joint action and mutual care, especially for those who are the most vulnerable.

We are proud of the fact that the Croatian last year’s Council of the EU presidency, during the seventh year of our EU membership, directly contributed to the strengthening of the idea of European unity, proving ourselves a reliable partner in trying times.

The European Commission launched the digital platform on the Conference of the Future of Europe, offering citizens to join in and say what kind of Europe they want to live in, and help shape their own future. The Conference opens up a new forum for a discussion with the citizens about the EU’s challenges and priorities, with the youth as the focal point. More on: europa.eu

“Croatia will continue to work as a mature and responsible member state. I believe that the Conference will provide an opportunity to highlight that sense of belonging as well as all the benefits that the EU membership has brought us,” the minister said.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in cooperation with the European Commission Representation, organized a virtual concert, contests, quizzes, a film festival and other events. More on: https://ec.europa.eu/croatia/content/europe-day-9-may_hr and https://europaukinu.eu/

Europe Day is also an opportunity to recall Croatia’s road to membership, which, in the context of these challenging times and the need for unity, solidarity, as well as the protection of human and social rights and caring for the environment, has not only a symbolic but also a real and concrete value.


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