- Published: 14.03.2008.
Assistant Minister Pjer Šimunović and Minister Advisor Dijana Pleština met with International Co-operation Director at Monaco’s Foreign Ministry

Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Pjer Šimunović and Minister Advisor for Mine Action Dijana Pleština met on 14 March 2008 with Frédéric Platini, the International Co-operation Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Monaco.
As a country that has lived through a war, Croatia is well-aware of the post-war difficulties and long-lasting consequences of mines. According to the Croatian Mine Action Center, there are more than 250,000 anti-personnel and anti-tank mines in Croatia, strewn over more than 1150 square kilometres of mine-suspicious land. After the war, there have been 2112 mine victims, many of them children and youngsters.
This was the reason behind founding the Center for Psychosocial Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Child Mine Victims, which will house mine victims from the entire region. The Center will feature workshops that will allow children to socialise with their peers informally, as well as activities directed at strengthening their self-confidence. The building of the Center largely depends on domestic and foreign investments.