Assistant Minister Marušić receives Lithuanian delegation

Assistant Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić 1 October met with Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Arijandas Šliupas, who is on a three-day visit to Croatia

Assistant Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić 1 October met with Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Arijandas Šliupas, who is on a three-day visit to Croatia. Marušić presented Croatia’s priorities and projects regarding the Vb transport corridor – a rail and road Rijeka-Zagreb-Budapest link that is a part of the Mediterranean corridor. Also discussed was the Xa Graz-Zagreb-Via Maribor corridor, as well as the Adriatic-Ionian highway. Marušić underlined the importance of connecting Croatia’s south and developing maritime transport.

Šliupas was interested in Croatia’s experiences regarding the development of economic diplomacy, the Zagreb Airport concession, and the plans in regard to Schengen accession.

Both sides underscored the solid bilateral relations, agreeing that there was room for further developing the economic cooperation. As one of the possible areas of cooperation the interlocutors mentioned air traffic, notably cooperation with Croatia Airlines as a member of the Star Alliance. Both sides agreed that a direct Lithuania-Croatia route would stimulate economic cooperation and tourist exchange. The two countries also cooperate excellently on twinning projects, where so far Croatia has been the user, with a prospect of cooperating on joint twinning projects in third countries.

During their stay in Croatia, the Lithuanian delegation will also meet with representatives of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Croatia Airlines, Zagreb Airport, Zadar Airport, as well as TŽV Gredelj and Končar companies. 

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