Assistant Minister Gustović Ercegovac participated in 18th meeting of National EU Accession Forum

Assistant Minister at the Directorate for International Economic Co-operation Andrea Gustović Ercegovac participated in the 18th meeting of the National EU Accession Forum on the topic “Interest Associations of Agricultural Manufacturers as Basis for the Development of Agricultural Production”, held 12 November 2007 at the Plitvice Lakes

The 18th meeting of the National Forum discussed the forms of interest associations of the agriculture manufacturers in Croatia, the relevant regulations, co-operative farms, agricultural manufacturers’ associations, and the role of state institutions in the development of agriculture manufacturers’ interest associations.

Along with Assistant Minister Gustović Ercegovac, also participating in the National Forum was Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Ivan Hodalić.

The National EU Accession Forum is an initiative of the MFAEI whose aim is to raise the Croatian public’s familiarity with Croatia’s EU accession process and spark a public debate on the subject in all parts of the Croatian society. Participating in its activities are representatives of the state administration, local government and self-government, academic community, non-governmental organisations, private sector, media, and all other interested groups.

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