Another protest note presented to Slovenia over razor wire, blocked border crossings

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs today lodged with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb another diplomatic note, protesting against the unlawful putting up of razor wire on Croatia’s territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs today lodged with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb another diplomatic note, protesting against the unlawful putting up of razor wire on Croatia’s territory and blocking border crossing points determined by the Agreement on Local Border Traffic and Cooperation.

The note reiterates strong protest against continued erection of the razor wire fence on Croatia’s national territory, in the Croatian municipalities of Zagorska Sela (Slovenia’s Podčetrtek is the neighbouring municipality), the cadastre municipality of Poljana Sutlanska, in the towns of Harina Zlaka-Podčetrtek, and Huma na Sutli (Slovenia’s Rogatec and Rogaška Slatina are the neighbouring municipalities), the cadastre municipality of Lupinjak, in the town of Strmec Humski-Dobovec, and the cadastre municipality of Prišlin, in the towns of Mali Tabor-Rjavica.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs once again requested that the wire be removed from all areas of Croatia’s territory listed in the previous diplomatic notes and from all the blocked border crossings, in accordance with the Agreement on Local Border Traffic and Cooperation. Slovenia was once again called on to, instead of surrounding itself with razor wire fence under the pretext of migrant crisis, try and resolve all border issues through direct dialogue in the spirit of good neighbourliness and by respecting the European principles of cooperation. 

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