Accompanied by Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Minister Gordan Jandroković attended 63rd session of UN General Assembly

Accompanied by Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Jandroković attended the 63rd session of the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York

On the session’s margins, Minister Jandroković had rich diplomatic activities. Talking about the condition of the bilateral relations, trade perspectives, possibilities of enhancing the co-operation within multilateral organisations, and the world’s current foreign-policy situation, he separately met with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, Cyprian Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou, Director General of Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry Aron Abramovich, Jordanian Foreign Minister Salaheddin Al-Bashir, and UNDP Administrator Kemal Derviş.

The meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Mammadyarov reviewed the good bilateral relations and proposed directions for their further strengthening. The two counterparts also reviewed the possibility of a stronger presence of Croatian companies in that perspective country, especially in energy and construction.

During the meeting with Cyprian Foreign Minister Kyprianou, Minister Jandroković thanked for the strong support for Croatia’s EU accession. Talking about the economic co-operation, both sides expressed a wish for its strengthening, namely in tourism.

Minister Jandroković and Israeli Foreign Ministry’s second man Aron Abramovich described the bilateral relations as excellent and expressed a mutual wish for strengthening the co-operation in all areas. The two also discussed the situation in the Near East, with a mutual wish for the continuation of the peace process. Minister Jandroković was invited to visit Israel.

The meeting between Minister Jandroković and Jordanian Minister Al-Bashir determined the areas of the two countries’ economic co-operation which could be strengthened. The two collocutors also noted the state of affairs in the Near East.

Minister Jandroković thanked UNDP Administrator Derviş for the very good co-operation between Croatia and the UNDP in the joint action of illegal arms repossession, described as one of the most successful of its kind in all UN history. In that regard, the two agreed that Croatia could serve as an example to other SEE countries.

Minister Jandroković, along with Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, will also take part today in the opening of the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly, as well as in the Security Council’s public debate on Mediation and Conflict Settlement. Minister Jandroković is also to hold bilateral meetings with Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis and Island’s Foreign Affairs and External Trade Minister Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir.

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