31 years of Croatia’s UN membership

  • Slika
Today Croatia marks the 31st anniversary of its membership in the United Nations. In these past three decades, we have remained committed to maintaining the international order based on the UN Charter and international law. As an active stakeholder in global peace and security, Croatia has contributed to UN-led peacekeeping missions and operations around the globe, sending members of the Croatian Armed Forces and Police as well as our diplomats. Croatia has been a member of all the most important UN bodies and organs – from non-permanent membership in the Security Council to membership in the ECOSOC, Human Rights Council, Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) et al. Croatia is a provider of development and humanitarian aid, and as an EU and NATO member state takes active part in numerous global initiatives and reform processes.
Croatia is currently a member of the ECOSOC (2022-2024) and the PBC (2023-2024), presiding over the latter in 2023. With its experts, Croatia is participating in the Committee on Contributions and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
As the PBC chair, Croatia has put a focus on prevention, resilience, better connections between peace and security, and humanitarian aid and sustainable development, as well as on the rule of law, justice, bolstering institutions and human rights, efficient and adequate financing of peacebuilding, and intensified exchange with the main bodies of the UN.
Croatia’s PBC presidency coincides with policy proposals ahead of the 2024 Summit for the Future, by which time a new vision of Our Common Agenda will take shape, underscoring the need for an inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism. In that context, Croatia’s presidency actively supports the realization of policies that draw the world closer to peace, security and wellbeing, as well as speed up the achievement of sustainable development goals and efficiently tackle climate change.
Croatia firmly supports multilateralism as a key form of global cooperation with organized international relations and an order based on mutual respect and respect for fundamental principles and values on which the UN was founded – international law, peace, security, rule of law, and the protection of human rights and freedoms. In light of yet another war on the European soil – the invasion of Ukraine, protecting these principles remains a key and permanent duty of the international community.
Going forward, Croatia has expressed intent to reapply for membership in the PBC (2026-2027), Security Council (2030-2031) and Human Rights Council (2032-2034) and will continue to boost its international presence and reputation in this global organization.

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