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News regarding hijacked ship Sirius StarBy inquiring with the relevant institutions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration has received confirmation that the hijacked ship Sirius Star, among the 25 crew members, carries one Croatian seaman as well18.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković held lecture entitled “Basic Strategic Guidelines of Croatia’s Foreign Policy” at Ban Josip Jelačić War College As Croatia’s basic foreign-policy guidelines, Minister Jandroković pointed out the EU and NATO membership, leadership role in South Eastern Europe, and the continuation of activities as a non-permanent UN Security Council member18.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković received on inaugural visit Namibian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Selma Ashipala-MusavyiAmbassador Ashipala-Musavyi, accredited to Croatia and headquartered in Vienna, handed over the copies of her credentials18.11.2008. | Press releases
Croatian Embassy in Sofia and Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute co-organized promotion of “The Kingdom of Bulgaria” by Croatian author Ivan HoićPresent at the promotion ceremony were Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivajlo Kalfin, Director of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute Milan Milanov, Croatian Ambassador to Bulgaria Dražen Vukov Colić, and the book’s translator Rumjana Božilova, along with numerous guests from the diplomatic corps in Sofia, representatives of the Bulgarian Science Academy, and other dignitaries from Bulgaria’s political, cultural, and public life18.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković received Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for European Integration Gordana ĐurovićThe two collocutors expressed readiness to continue developing the interstate relations, keeping in mind the joint goals of joining the EU and NATO18.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković opened Regional Conference on European IntegrationIn his speech, Minister Jandroković said that the cooperation between the countries of South Eastern Europe in on a constant rise, especially in the field of the Euro-Atlantic integration. “By joining the European integration process, we are willingly assuming the obligation of adopting the European standards”, said Minister Jandroković17.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković received OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut VollebaekAlso present at the meeting was the Head of the OSCE Office to the Republic of Croatia, Ambassador Jorge Fuentes Monzonis-Villalonga. Minister Jandroković pointed out the importance of the cooperation between Croatia’s institutions and the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in promoting and protecting the rights of national minorities. With respect to that, he thanked High Commissioner Vollebaek for his contribution to the positive development, as well as to the setting up of peace and stability in Croatia and the region as a whole17.11.2008. | Press releases
Press Release regarding recent statements by Serbian high officials The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration once again reiterates that the war in former Yugoslavia, as well as the aggression against the Republic of Croatia, was the consequence of the Greater Serbia ideology and the Slobodan Milošević regime16.11.2008. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković met with Czech House of Representatives’ Chairman Miroslav Vlček Minister Jandroković thanked his host for the support for Croatia’s accession to the EU and NATO, pointing out the European Commission’s Progress Report, in which Croatia for the first time got a timeframe for the completion of the negotiations14.11.2008. | Press releases
State Secretary Bianca Matković held political consultations with State Secretary for European Affairs at Turkish MFA Zergün KorutürkThe two collocutors described the relations between Croatia and Turkey as friendly and on a constant rise, on the bilateral, multilateral, and regional level. State Secretary Matković thanked Turkey for the cooperation with and support for Croatia on its road to NATO membership14.11.2008. | Press releases