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Croatian Ambassador to China Ante Simonić presented credentials to Chinese President Hu JintaoIn a cordial meeting after the presentation, President Hu wished Ambassador Simonić welcome, commending his founding of the Croatian-Chinese Friendship Society, which has contributed significantly to a better understanding between the two countries26.02.2009. | Press releases
Ambassador Neven Pelicarić presented credentials to Spanish King Juan Carlos I, assuming duty of Croatian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Spain During the meeting after the presentation, the Spanish sovereign expressed interest in the process of Croatia’s NATO and EU accession26.02.2009. | Press releases
State Secretary Davor Božinović received Danish MFA Undersecretary of State for European Integration Kim JorgensenThanking for the overall support the Kingdom of Denmark is extending the Republic of Croatia on its road to the EU and NATO, State Secretary Božinović informed his collocutor about the current state of Croatia’s EU negotiations and NATO accession25.02.2009. | Press releases
State Secretary Davor Božinović received Hungarian MFA State Secretary Jeno FallerSpeaking about Croatia’s priority foreign-policy goals – joining the EU and NATO – State Secretary Božinović informed his collocutor about the current state of affairs, expressing conviction that Croatia would become a NATO member within the foreseen deadlines and that the EU negotiations would soon continue24.02.2009. | Press releases
Danish Queen Margretha II received on farewell visit Croatian Ambassador to Denmark Aleksandar HeinaOn that occasion, Queen Margretha II awarded him a medal for his contribution to the overall enhancement and development of the relations between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Croatia during his ambassadorial term to Denmark23.02.2009. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković attended conference of WHO Collaborating Center for Capacity Building in HIV/AIDS Surveillance In his speech to the present parties, Minister Jandroković said he believed today’s conference would greatly contribute to the promotion of Croatia as a county who is taking an ever more active part in projects of development assistance and cooperation20.02.2009. | Press releases
Greek Parliament ratifies Protocol on NATO Enlargement to Croatia Welcoming the decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to point out that this completes the ratification process in all of the 26 NATO members18.02.2009. | Press releases
Ambassador Dražen Margeta presented copies of credentials to Bahraini State Minister for Foreign Affairs Nizar Al BaharnaAmbassador Margeta talked with State Minister Al Baharna about the possibilities of further developing the two countries’ bilateral economic relations, namely in tourism, the building of tourist infrastructure, and financing capital projects18.02.2009. | Press releases
Minister Gordan Jandroković met at working lunch with ambassadors of EU members accredited to Croatia At the working lunch, organized by the Czech EU presidency, Minister Jandroković informed the ambassadors about the foreign-policy actualities18.02.2009. | Press releases
In response to today’s adoption of statement by Slovenian National Assembly on protection of national interests We reject the allegations put forth in said statement by the highest legislative body of Slovenia, and consider them untruthful, legally unfounded and devoid of any legal international effect18.02.2009. | Press releases