The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs expresses concern about the recent events in Lebanon and strongly condemns the attack in which head of the Lebanon's Internal Security Forces’ intelligence branch Wissam al-Hassan and seven other were killed, and 80 were wounded

Such an act seriously threatens the stability of the country and the efforts made in the previous years to promote national unity and a culture of dialogue between numerous ethnic and religious groups

Such an act seriously threatens the stability of the country and the efforts made in the previous years to promote national unity and a culture of dialogue between numerous ethnic and religious groups. Moreover, it happened at a time when the country is facing waves of refugees coming in from neighbouring Syria.

The ministry calls on the Lebanese authorities to do all they can to defuse the situation and prevent an escalation of tension and violence. Given the complexity of the security situation in the region, all parties must be aware of their responsibility to preserve peace not just in their own countries, but beyond.

The ministry expresses hope that special envoy of the UN and the Arab League Lakhdar Brahimi during his visit to Damascus will manage to get the conflicting parties to cease fire in Syria, which would have a positive impact on defusing the situation in the larger region.

Press releases