Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić participated at the opening of the international conference of the network of institutes for human rights held in Vienna, entitled “The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform”

“Countries are increasingly tailoring their foreign policies with regard to human rights. Military peace missions are required to have a civil component to them, so as to ensure sustainable peace,” stressed Minister Pusić in her speech.

She reminded those present of how foreign policy and human rights helps not only the country receiving the humanitarian, development or other aid, but also the donor country, as this raises the awareness of society of the importance of human rights.

The minister also stressed that instead of accepting a situation as unavoidable and coming to terms with it, one needs to find ways to change. She warned that the rights of women and girls are the first to be threatened, as this for society is the most acceptable violation of human rights. “Democracy of a society is measured by its attitude towards women and girls and the respect for their rights,” stressed the minister.

“It is important that education be ensured for women and girls, as they reinvest 90% of their earnings back into the family, while only 30% of men do the same. For that reason, in Croatia's opinion, it is necessary to advocate a civil component to military peace missions at the level of the EU and UN, to ensure sustainable peace and human rights,” emphasized Minister Pusić.

In addition to participating at the conference, Minister Pusić will meet with Austrian Vice-Chancellor and Minister of European and International Affairs Michael Spindelegger with whom she will discuss Croatian-Austrian bilateral relations and other issues.

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