Secretary of State for Political Affairs Mario Nobilo expressed dissatisfaction to Serbian Ambassador Stanimir Vukičević over unacceptable and offensive statements by Serbian President Boris Tadić and Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić

The Serbian ambassador was told that Croatia had recognized Kosovo as an independent country

The Serbian ambassador was told that Croatia had recognized Kosovo as an independent country with which it was, as with all the other countries of South Eastern Europe, including Serbia, developing friendly relations based on the mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in the European spirit contributing to the regional stability and security. At the same time, Croatia is strongly advocating the protection of all human and minority rights in Kosovo, as well as the renewal of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

The Croatian policy of spreading the dialogue and mutual respect coincides with the policy of our European partners and NATO allies, and will not be given up on. This direction includes the perspective of membership in the Euro-Atlantic structures for all the Southeast European countries.

The realization of the Euro-Atlantic perspective in these parts is the best guarantee that the aggression and destruction orchestrated by Slobodan Milošević will never again be repeated.

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