On Wednesday 22. September 2010, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration met with representatives of the American Jewish Committee on the margins of the 65th meeting of the UN general Assembly in New York.

Minister Jandroković thanked the American Jewish Committee for its support in attaining the foreign-policy goals of the Republic of Croatia, particularly in deepening bilateral relations with the United States and Israel.

Analysing Croatian-Israeli relations Minister Jandroković found them excellent, as supported by very dynamic bilateral top-level meetings, particularly in the last several months.

He familiarised representatives of the American Jewish Committee with the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia about the return of the property confiscated during the Communist regime, and the intention of the Ministry of Justice to implement this decision in the Croatian judiciary system.

They also spoke about the Middle East peace process, situation in Southeast Europe and pending elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Minister Jandroković emphasised that the Republic of Croatia strongly supported Southeast-European states in approaching Euroatlantic associations, because it was the best guarantee of peace and stability in this part of Europe.

Members of the American Jewish Committee are familiar with the status of the Croatian negotiating process, the Arbitration Agreement with the Republic of Slovenia, the effect of the global economic crisis on the Croatian economy, and the program of measures for the economic recovery.

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