State Secretary Božinović said that transatlantic partnership embodied in NATO remained the key to both European and global security. The principle of collective defence and the capability of meeting new security challenges throughout the world are complementary pillars on which NATO rests, said Božinović and expressed hope that this will be confirmed in the new strategic concept of NATO in whose development Croatia is actively taking part.

He also noted OSCE as a powerful tool for guarding European security, noting that this organisation must adapt to new security challenges primarily through its own capacity building in regard of crisis management. He expressed hope that the positive atmosphere created through the signature of the new START agreement would result in new security solutions on global level.

He also mentioned the role of the Russian Federation in the European security and stressed meaningful dialogue between Russia and NATO Member States, as well as the special importance to Croatia of the relations between NATO and the EU.

State Secretary Božinović expressed hope there would be progress in the negotiations on the Agreement on Conventional Forces in Europe, and supported the U.S. initiative to initiate negotiations. He said that the Republic of Croatia supported the efforts aimed at nuclear disarmament and welcomed creating positive atmosphere initiated by U.S. President Barack Obama.

Security Director of the U.S. State Department, Nancy McEldowney, expressed adherence to the transatlantic cooperation, including the dialogue with Central European and East European countries and indicated to the importance of consensus of all 28 NATO Member States.

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