On that occasion, two international acts were signed – the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Federal Republic of Brazil on the carrying out of income-generating activities by supported family members of diplomatic, consular, military, administrative and technical staff and the Memorandum of Agreement between the ministries of foreign affairs of two countries on the establishment of bilateral consultations. During the meeting, State Secretary Božinović informed his colleague about the status of accession negotiations of the Republic of Croatia for membership of the European Union. The Brazilian side informed him about the integration processes in Latin America, MERCOSUR and UNASUR and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. They discussed foreign policy issues important for each of the two countries, and Croatian side was informed about the recent Brazilian activities related to assistance in finding a solution for the Iranian nuclear programme. In relation to multilateral cooperation, they discussed the reform of the United Nations, in particular of the Security Council, and both sides supported the reform of this organisation which should reflect new realities in the world relations and in a more active manner promote interests of its members. The two parties exchanged information about possibilities for strengthening economic cooperation. The Croatian party emphasised the geographic position of the Republic of Croatia, its ports and modern transport infrastructure which might assist in redirecting a part of Brazilian goods and their placement on the European market. They also discussed the participation of Croatian companies in infrastructure projects in Brazil, in particular in research and exploitation of oil and gas, construction of energy projects and placement of equipment, modernisation of railways and shipbuilding. They agreed on the need to strengthen cooperation in tourism, which is an important branch for both countries, and stressed that it might be improved by means of exchange of visits of employees in tourism and their presence at international gatherings. During the meeting, both parties stressed the importance of the Croatian immigrants who act as a bridge for cooperation between the two countries in economic investments and cultural projects.

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