State Secretary Božinović participated in a round table "EU member states' Experiences with EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund " at the Faculty of Economics in Bjelovar. Stressing that Croatia is in the final accession negotiation period since almost all chapters have been opened and more than half have been closed, he emphasized the determination to implement the remaining reforms.

We strive for EU membership because of the confidence that it will create a positive atmosphere for stable development, progress, social security and well–being of all Croatian citizens. Moreover, through reforms and harmonisation with EU standards we at the same time improve quality and efficiency of the domestic public system, economy and other sectors, and all this for the purpose of benefit of our citizens, stressed State Secretary Božinović.

Successful use of EU funds is also of great importance in ensuring the well–being for Croatian citizens, and the European Commission has been very supportive and prepared a financial envelope for the Republic of Croatia for the first two years of membership.

He also stressed that the youngest generations will, in long–term, benefit the most from the EU membership, through versatile education and mobility guaranteed through adequate EU programmes. He also mentioned advantages for future young entrepreneurs and employees once the EU market is open to Croatian products, such as improving product quality and greater competitiveness by implementing European standards in production and management.

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