State Secretary for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Davor Božinović received on a farewell visit the Ambassador of the Ukraine to the Republic of Croatia Boris Zajčuk on Tuesday, 4 May 2010.

State Secretary Božinović thanked Ambassador Zajčuk for his work and contribution in developing bilateral relations.

The collocutors recapitulated the most important aspects of bilateral relations with the emphasis on economic initiatives. Ambassador Zajčuk especially stressed talks on building a grain silo in Vukovar, which could make Vukovar the centre for exporting Ukrainian grain to other countries.

It was also concluded that co–operation in possible in other fields since Ukraine is a big market. Ambassador Zajčuk added that the Ukrainian market is familiar with Croatian products, especially alimentary products. They expressed expectations that the number of Ukrainian tourists in the Republic of Croatia will grow this year, especially after the decision of Croatian Government on temporary suspension of the visa system.

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