MFAEI, in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Regional School of Public Administration, organized international conference Learning Europe – Challenges of Training and Communicating in the European Context

The conference was opened by Director of Support for Croatia’s EU Accession Process Mirjam Katulić, who also held a thematic presentation entitled Training and Communicating in the EU

The conference was opened by Director of Support for Croatia’s EU Accession Process Mirjam Katulić, who also held a thematic presentation entitled Training and Communicating in the EU.

The conference gathered experts in education and informing about the European integration process and the European affairs, and saw 80 odd participants from the Croatian state administration bodies, county European integration councils and development agencies, as well as representatives of state administration bodies from the countries in the region and the EU, who had the opportunity to hear lecturers from the European Commission, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Hungary, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia, and Turkey.

The topics of this year’s conference dealt with the experiences of the EU members, candidate countries and potential candidates in efficient organization of state administration, so after the opening presentations Training and Communicating in the EU and EU Employees Profile (organized bay the European Personnel Selection Office), the activities were organized in four workshops: Positioning of the State in the European Context, Preparations for EU Competitions and Work in the EU Institutions, Lifelong Learning with an Emphasis on European Integration as a Driving Force for the Modernisation of Public Administration, and National Coordination of the EU Affairs.

In light of the intensified activities regarding Croatia EU accession, which also means extra efforts in preparing the entire state administration for performing the tasks that lie ahead, the conference’s topics are of the utmost importance for Croatia’s EU membership.

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