13 Croats return from Tyrol

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, through its diplomatic and consular network, continues to repatriate Croatian nationals...

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, through its diplomatic and consular network, continues to repatriate Croatian nationals. The Croatian Embassy in Vienna, in cooperation with the relevant Austrian authorities, arranged the return of Croatian nationals currently located in the federal state of Tyrol, in areas under strict quarantine. 
In a joint action by the Croatian and Slovenian embassies in Vienna, a bus with 13 Croatian nationals left in the afternoon for the Austrian-Slovenian border, from where they continued their journey to Croatia. 
The Austrian Government has put the federal state of Tyrol under quarantine, with even stricter regime such as complete isolation imposed in certain areas (Ischgl, Galtür, St. Anton etc). Movement and leaving the place of residence requires multiple clearances from the relevant Austrian authorities.

The Croatian Embassy in Vienna continues to work on bringing the rest of the Croatian national home as soon as possible, as well as offering all other forms of assistance to Croatian nationals located in Austria. 

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs would like to thank the relevant state bodies of Slovenia and Austrian authorities for their dedicated efforts and professionalism in organizing the swift return of 13 Croatian nationals to Croatia.

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