- Published: 22.09.2004.
PLENARY - Statement by H. E. Dr. Ivo Sanader, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, at the General Debate of the 59th Session of the General Assembly
H.E. Dr. Ivo Sanader,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia
Fifty-ninth Session of the General Assembly
General Debate
22 September 2004
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my first address in the capacity as the Croatian Prime Minister in front of this high and distinguished body. I feel privileged to present you with the Croatian Government''s strategic priorities in the domain of foreign policy.
Let me start by congratulating Minister Ping on his assumption of the Presidency (of the General Assembly) and wishing him every success in performing his highly important task. He can rely fully on Croatia''s support and cooperation.
Let me also add the voice of my delegation to those that have already thanked his predecessor, Mr. Julian Hunte, for the dedication he demonstrated in chairing the previous General Assembly session and the effort he invested in the revitalization of the work of our Organization.
For the first time, Croatia is addressing the General Assembly as a candidate country for membership in the European Union. Today, I would like to share with you Croatia''s position on the most important tasks for the United Nations in this time of great multilateral challenges.
Distinguished delegates,
The very fact that so many Heads of State and government leaders have gathered here in New York to mark the beginning of the 59th General Assembly session, serves as a telling affirmation that multilateralism is a driving force in global politics. And it confirms that we live in no ordinary times.
The world at the beginning of the 21st century is profoundly different from the one in which the Berlin Wall started to crumble. Never before have we faced so many opportunities stemming from new technologies and enhanced regional and global cooperation. And seldom have we encountered so many threats and challenges as we do today.
Tragic events in recent years, from New York to Moscow, from the Middle East all the way to Southern Asia, have confirmed that terrorism currently stands out as the most pressing threat to our world, taking thousands of innocent lives at random.
Equally dangerous is the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). We must resort to all means required to prevent the proliferation of these vehicles of death. If synergized - terrorism and WMD - they could bring upon mankind a level of destruction of an unforeseeable scale.
Therefore, we must not relax our efforts in the fight against global terrorism. Nor can we neglect the fatal impact of weapons of mass destruction. This has to remain at the top of our priorities; any hesitation to address these issues in a timely and appropriate manner could have unforgiving consequences.
Croatia commends and fully supports the ongoing activities of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, and welcomes its recent reform. However, the Committee has to improve its outreach in order to provide a comprehensive and truly effective multilateral response to this precarious scourge. We equally recognize the importance of the Security Council Committee established by the Resolution 1540 with the goal of stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and expect to see all countries submitting their first reports on the matter.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The United Nations should continue to play a decisive role in our quest for a stable, secure and prosperous world. Croatia welcomes the reports of the Secretary-General on the work of the United Nations and the implementation of the Millennium Declaration. I would particularly like to commend his reform efforts to date. He has identified many challenges to the United Nations and we should not hesitate to meet them. We particularly share his assessment that the United Nations requires adequate security and institutional agility to adapt to changing circumstances in the world.
The Security Council has a paramount responsibility in this regard. However, we must not overlook the role of the General Assembly whose potentials are far from being explored to the fullest.
Against the backdrop of our expectations, the incoming report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change carries particular weight. Croatia is confident that the Panel''s findings and subsequent Secretary General''s report shall provide us with a sound basis to proceed towards the reform of the United Nations and represent an adequate response to all challenges. In this difficult endeavor speed matters almost as much as substance.
On the subject of the United Nations reform, there is still a vast gap between the awareness within the Member States that this reform is essential if we are to meet the challenges ahead of us, and the genuine readiness to engage on the path to reform. For that reason, calling all members of our Organization to redouble their efforts in the reform of the Security Council and revitalization of the General Assembly is never a repetitive task.
Regarding Security Council reform, Croatia supports the enlargement of the Security Council in all categories of membership, based on the appropriate regional representation.
Let us make the United Nations even more relevant, with a range of inventive and collaborative approaches that shall increase the effectiveness of our joint efforts and result with the Organization''s capability to respond to the needs and realities of the new century.
The credibility of the United Nations does not depend solely on the political will of its member states and its capacity to manage crises. It also depends on its capacity to respond to the expectations of those who are in dire need of assistance, who cannot protect themselves from imbalances and injustice.
We cannot shy away from seeking all available solutions to the fundamental global challenges we face today, including extreme poverty, drug smuggling, the spread of deadly diseases and global climate change. Globalization needs to be mastered; the opportunities it offers need to be assessed and its excesses rectified.
Finding appropriate answers to these fundamental questions requires multilateral cooperation, with a viable and effective United Nations at its core. We all wish to see a strong and decisive United Nations that is capable of effectively responding to current and future challenges, but this cannot happen by default. It depends solely on the contribution and dedication of each and every member state.
Croatia supports the Millennium Declaration as the basis for the reform of the United Nations system and a further step towards the strengthening of the authority, operational capability and effective functioning of the Organization. Achieving political and economic goals envisaged in the Declaration, nationally and globally, has to remain our main concern. In this regard, Croatia has prepared a country report on the realization of Millennium Development Goals.
Croatia supports the universal ratification of international instruments in the field of human rights, but without their effective implementation, support itself shall remain insufficient. During our membership in the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Croatia shared the belief of many Member States that the Commission should continue unhindered in its activities while carrying out its mandate. In an effort to promote and protect the human rights of all people, Croatia is devoting special attention to the human rights of members of national minorities as well as of women, children, refugees and disabled persons.
My country considers arms control to be a pivotal instrument of its security policy. I would like to reiterate our continued support for the further strengthening of major international disarmament and non-proliferation instruments, such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). We expect concrete results from the upcoming NPT Review Conference in 2005.
Croatia has consistently supported bringing into force the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and we call on those that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the CTBT as soon as possible. My country believes that particular emphasis should be placed on establishing and refining effective verification mechanisms for the CTBT and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
We encourage those countries that have not signed or ratified the Ottawa Convention to do so without delay. As a country that has directly experienced the disastrous effect of landmines, Croatia is particularly concerned with the continuation of their spread.
Equal importance should be given to efforts to prevent illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons. Their uncontrolled proliferation not only fuels regional conflicts, but also plays a considerable role in terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime. Croatia has achieved commendable progress in this field and is prepared to assist others, both in our region and beyond.
Excellencies, dear colleagues,
Croatia gained extensive experience in post-conflict management after the war that was imposed upon us in the nineties, especially in the field of refugee return, confidence building, processing war crimes, economic reconstruction and the reintegration of war-torn areas with the rest of the country. We stand ready to contribute our knowledge and share it with those in need.
In confronting alarming challenges - such as security, poverty, terrorism, pandemics and environmental issues - collective action is most likely to yield the best results, since not even the most powerful among us can bear the burden alone.
Effective regional action also remains important. In this respect, while we are aware of the irreplaceable importance of global multilateralism, a growing significance of the regional organizations has to be emphasized. In today''s world, regional organizations have an increasingly important role to play, in accord with the major multilateral institutions, primarily the United Nations.
At this very moment Croatian peacekeepers are participating in seven UN peace-keeping missions. We are determined to further intensify our participation in UN peace-keeping missions - regarding the composition and number of troops deployed as well as the theaters of operations.
We will continue to support the training of peacekeepers from emerging troop-contributing countries, directly or under the auspices of the United Nations, by receiving foreign officers as attendees of the respective training courses in the Republic of Croatia as well as by sending Croatian instructors to organize and execute the courses in the emerging troop-contributing countries.
Distinguished delegates,
Croatia has presented its candidacy for membership in the Security Council for the 2008/2009 mandate. Our membership would not only represent a great tribute to my country, but also the recognition of all the efforts that have been fruitfully invested in the peace and stability of South East Europe.
We are proud of our achievements since becoming a United Nations member state in May of 1992. From being part of the European powder keg, Croatia grew into one of the key generators and promoters of stability in South East Europe and beyond. With a growing economy, much expanded highway network and blossoming tourism industry, Croatia is firmly oriented towards the future. And I can state with confidence that the best is yet to come.
Croatia is successfully embarked upon the road of Euro-Atlantic integration, with a clear goal of the EU and NATO membership. Good bilateral relations with all our neighbors and beyond, cross-border and regional cooperation, as well as constructive multilateralism remain the bedrock of Croatia''s foreign policy.
My country is speedily preparing for the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union in early 2005. We are confident that Croatia shall meet fully and on time all the criteria required in this demanding process. We have already demonstrated our reform-making and decision-taking capabilities, through the fulfillment of the Copenhagen Criteria required for the candidate status for the EU. It has been far from easy, but at the end Croatia''s success demonstrates that hard work and reform-oriented policy are the best possible investment in one country''s future.
Croatia is ready to serve as a model-country in the South East Europe, encouraging and assisting our neighbors to realize their Euro-Atlantic ambitions. The prospect of EU membership is proved to be the best incentive for the countries in Central and South East Europe to implement comprehensive political, economic, institutional and democratic reforms.
Unified Europe is no longer a dream; it is a reality upon which the prosperity and security of the entire continent is based. European Union is economic prosperity and cooperation, it is stability and security, but above all it is values that stand out so strongly. We all share the same values, the same principles and the same dedication.
A famous Croatian poet, Dobriša Cesaric, wrote a poem about a waterfall whose beauty and might are created by thousands of small drops of water. Croatia''''s drop is a part of this wonder called one Europe.
Croatia is determined to contribute to the best of its abilities to the success of this Organization and to the principles it stands upon. Too many times we fail to fathom the true meaning of the phrase that is much more than the mere name of our Organization: the United Nations.
UN - there can be no better global formula for the mounting challenges and potentials, burdens, hopes and expectations of the new century.
Thank you.
neslužbeni prijevod
dr. Ive Sanadera
predsjednika Vlade Republke Hrvatske
na opcoj raspravi 59. zasjedanja
Opce skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda
New York, 22. rujna 2004.
Gospodine predsjednice, ekselencije, dame i gospodo,
Ovo je moje prvo obracanje u funkciji predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske ovom visokom i uvaženom tijelu. Cast mi je predstaviti vam strategijske prioritete hrvatske Vlade u podrucju vanjske politike.
Dopustite mi da zapocnem cestitajuci ministru Pingu na njegovom preuzimanju predsjedništva Opce skupštine i zaželim mu svaki uspjeh u obnašanju te veoma važne zadace. On se može u cijelosti osloniti na potporu i suradnju Hrvatske.
Dopustite mi takoder da pridružim glas mojeg izaslanstva onima koju su vec zahvalili njegovu prethodniku, g. Julianu Hunteu, za odlucnost koju je pokazao u predsjedanju prethodnim zasjedanjem Opce skupštine i naporu što ga je uložio u revitalizaciju rada naše Organizacije.
Hrvatska se prvi put obraca Opcoj skupštini kao kandidat za clanstvo u Europskoj uniji. Želio bih danas podijeliti s vama stav Hrvatske o najvažnijim zadacama koje su pred Ujedinjenim narodima u ovom vremenu velikih multilateralnih izazova.
Cijenjeni zastupnici,
Sama cinjenica da se toliko predsjednika država i vlada okupilo ovdje u New Yorku da obilježe pocetak 59. zasjedanja Opce skupštine, znakovita je potvrda multilateralizma kao vodece snage u globalnoj politici. I pokazatelj da ne živimo u obicnim vremenima.
Svijet na pocetku 21. stoljeca bitno je drugaciji od onog u kojemu se Berlinski zid poceo rušiti. Nikad ranije nismo bili suoceni s toliko pogodnosti što izrastaju iz novih tehnologija i ojacane regionalne i globalne suradnje. I rijetko kada kao danas izloženi smo tolikim prijetnjama i izazovima.
Tragicni dogadaji posljednjih godina, od New Yorka do Moskve, od srednjeg Istoka do jugoistocne Azije, potvrdili su da se terorizam sada izdvaja kao najteža prijetnja našem svijetu, odnoseci nasumice tisuce nedužnih života.
Jednako je opasna prijetnja oružjem masovnog uništavanja. Moramo posegnuti za svim potrebnim mjerama kako bi sprijecili širenje tih nosaca smrti. Ako se usklade – terorizam i oružja masovnog uništavanja – mogu donijeti covjecanstvu nezamislivu kolicinu razaranja.
Stoga se ne smijemo opustiti u borbi protiv globalnog terorizma. Niti možemo zanemariti pogubni ucinak oružja masovnog uništavanja. To mora ostati na vrhu naših prioriteta; svako oklijevanje da ta pitanja rješavamo na vrijeme i na pravi nacin može imati neoprostive posljedice.
Hrvatska odaje priznanje i potpuno podržava postojece aktivnosti Anti-teroristickog odbora (Vijeca sigurnosti) i pozdravlja njegovu nedavnu reformu. Odbor ipak treba poboljšati svoje operativne dosege kako bi pružio cjelovit i uistinu ucinkovit multilateralan odgovor na ovu pogubnu prijetnju. Jednako prepoznajemo važnost Odbora Vijeca sigurnosti uspostavljenog rezolucijom 1540 s ciljem zaustavljanja širenja oružja masovnog uništavanja i ocekujemo vidjeti sve zemlje da podnesu svoja prva izvješca na tu temu.
Dame i gospodo,
Ujedinjeni narodi trebaju nastaviti igrati odlucujucu ulogu u našim stremljenjima k stabilnom, sigurnom i naprednom svijetu. Hrvatska pozdravlja izvješca glavnog tajnika o radu Ujedinjenih naroda i o provedbi Milenijske deklaracije. Poglavito bih želio pohvaliti njegove dosadašnje napore na podrucju reformi. On je ukazao na mnoge izazove na putu Ujedinjenih naroda i ne bismo trebali oklijevati u suceljavanju s njima. Mi posebice dijelimo njegovu prosudbu po kojoj Ujedinjeni narodi trebaju odgovarajucu sigurnost i institucionalnu pokretljivost kako bi se mogli prilagoditi novim prilikama u svijetu.
Vijece sigurnosti ima glede toga izrazitu odgovornost. Ipak, mi ne smijemo previdjeti ulogu Opce skupštine, ciji pravi potencijali još ni izbliza nisu iskorišteni.
S obzirom na naša ocekivanja, predstojece izvješce Visokog panela o prijetnjama, izazovima i promjenama nosi narocitu težinu. Hrvatska vjeruje da ce nalazi Panela i izvješce glavnog tajnika koje ce potom uslijediti, pružiti solidne temelje na nastavimo prema reformi Ujedinjenih naroda i iznademo odgovarajuce odgovore na sve izazove. U tom teškom poslu brzina je skoro jednako važna kao i sadržaj.
Na temu reforme Ujedinjenih naroda još postoji velik raskorak izmedu spoznaje medu zemljama clanicama da je reforma nužna ukoliko želimo odgovoriti na sve izazove koji su pred nama, i stvarne spremnosti da zakoracimo na put reformi. Zbog niti jedan poziv svim clanicama naše Organizacije da udvostruce svoje napore u reformi Vijeca sigurnosti i revitalizaciji Opce skuštine nije suvišan.
Glede reforme Vijeca sigurnosti, Hrvatska podupire proširenje Vijeca sigurnosti u svim kategorijama clanstva, temeljeno na odgovarajucoj regionalnoj zastupljenosti.
Ucinimo Ujedinjene narode još relevantnijim, kroz brojne poticajne i zajednicke pristupe koji ce povecati ucinkovitost naših združenih napora i rezultirati Organizacijom koja ima sposobnosti odgovoriti na sve potrebe i realnosti novog stoljeca.
Vjerodostojnost Ujedinjenih naroda ne ovisi samo o politickoj volji njihovih zemalja clanica i njihovoj sposobnosti da upravljaju krizama. Isto tako ovisi i o njihovoj sposobnosti da ispune ocekivanja onih kojima ocajnicki treba pomoc, koji se ne mogu sami zaštititi od pritisaka i nepravde.
Mi se ne smijemo ustrucavati tražiti sva moguca rješenja za fundamentalne globalne izazove kojima smo danas izloženi, ukljucujuci ekstremno siromaštvo, krijumcarenje droga, širenje smrtonosnih bolesti i globalne promjene klime. Globalizacijom treba upravljati; prilike koje pruža trebaju biti pažljivo izvagane i svedene na pravu mjeru.
Iznalaženje pravih odgovora za ova fundamentalna pitanja nalaže multilateralnu suradnju, s dinamicnim i ucinkovitim Ujedinjenim narodima u njezinu središtu. Svi mi želimo vidjeti snažne i odlucne Ujedinjene narode koji su sposobni ucinkovito odgovoriti na sadašnje i buduce izazove, no to se nece dogoditi samo od sebe. To iskljucivo ovisi o doprinosu i privrženosti svake i svih zemalja clanica.
Hrvatska podržava Milenijsku deklaraciju kao osnovu za reformu sustava Ujedinjenih naroda i daljnji korak prema jacanju autoriteta, operativne sposobnosti i ucinkovitog djelovanja Organizacije. Naša glavna briga ostaje ostvarivanje politickih i gospodarskih ciljeva zacrtanih u Deklaraciji, nacionalno i globalno. Slijedom toga Hrvatska je pripremila nacionalno izvješce o provedbi ciljeva Milenijske deklaracije.
Hrvatska podržava univerzalnu ratifikaciju medunarodnih instrumenata u podrucju ljudskih prava, ali bez njihove ucinkovite provedbe potpora sama po sebi ostat ce nedostatna. Tijekom našeg clanstva u UN Komisiji za ljudska prava, Hrvatska je dijelila stav mnogih zemalja clanica da Komisija treba neometano nastaviti svoje aktivnosti u provedbi mandata. U nastojanju da promice i zaštiti prava covjeka svih ljudi, Hrvatska poklanja posebnu pažnju pravima covjeka pripadnika nacionalnih manjina, kao i pravima žena, djece, izbjeglica i invalidnih osoba.
Moja zemlja smatra da je kontrola oružja stožerni instrument sigurnosne politike. Želio bih ponovno istaci našu stalnu potporu daljnjem jacanju glavnih instrumenata u podrucju medunarodnog razoružanja i neširenja oružja, kao što je Ugovor o neširenju nuklearnog oružja (NPT). Od pregledne NPT konferencije u 2005. godini ocekujemo konkretne rezultate.
Hrvatske je sustavno podržavala stupanje na stanju Cjelovitog ugovora o zabrani nuklearnih pokusa (CTBT) i stoga pozivamo one koji to još nisu ucinili da potpišu i ratificiranju CTBT što je prije moguce. Moja zemlja vjeruje da poseban naglasak treba staviti na uspostavu i provedbu ucinkovitih mehanizama verifikacije za CTBT i Konvenciju o biološkom i toksicnom oružju.
Ohrabrujemo one zemlje koje još nisu potpisale ili ratificirale Otavsku konvenciju da to ucine bez odlaganja. Kao zemlja koja je izravno iskusila razorne posljedice pješackih mina, Hrvatska je posebno zabrinuta zbog nastavka njihova širenja.
Jednaka važnost treba biti data sprijecavanju nezakonite trgovine malim i lakim oružjem. Njegovo nekontrolirano širenje ne samo da raspiruje vatru regionalnih sukoba, vec takoder igra znacajnu ulogu u terorizmu, trgovini drogom i organiziranom kriminalu. Hrvatska je ostvarili zavidan napredak na tom polju i spremna je pomoci drugima, u regiji i izvan nje.
Ekselencije, dame i gospodo,
Nakon rata koji joj je bio nametnut tijekom devedesetih, Hrvatska je stekla veliko iskustvo u poslijeratnom upravljanju krizama, posebno na polju povratka izbjeglica, izgradnje povjerenja, procesuiranja ratnih zlocina, gospodarskoj obnovi i reintegraciji ratom opustošenih podrucja s ostatkom zemlje. Mi smo voljni staviti naše znanje na raspolaganje drugima kojima je potrebno.
U suceljavanju s uznemirujucim izazovima – kao što su sigurnosna pitanja, siromaštvo, pandemije i ekološka pitanja – združeno djelovanje ce najlakše donijeti najbolje rezultate, jer cak ni najmocniji medu nama ne mogu sami iznijeti sav taj teret.
Ucinkovito regionalno djelovanje takoder je važno. Zbog toga, makar ostajemo svjesni nezamjenjivosti globalnog multilateralizma, treba naglasiti znacenje regionalnih organizacija. U današnjem svijetu, regionalne organizacije imaju sve važniju ulogu, uskladenu s djelovanjem vodecih multilateralnih institucija, u prvom redu Ujedinjenih naroda.
Ovog trenutka hrvatski pripadnici mirovnih snaga sudjeluju u sedam UN mirovnih misija. Odlucni smo dalje širiti naše sudjelovanje u mirovnim misijama Ujedinjeni naroda – kako glede sastava i broja vojnika, tako i glede podrucja operacija.
Nastavit cemo podržavati obuku pripadnika mirovnih snaga iz zemalja koje se ukljucuju u mirovne aktivnosti, poducavajuci ih izravno ili pod pokroviteljstvom Ujedinjenih naroda. Primat cemo strane casnike kao polaznike na specijaliziranim tecajevima obuke u Hrvatskoj i upucivat cemo hrvatske instrukture da organiziraju i drže tecajeve u zemljama koje pocinju sudjelovati u mirovnim operacijama UN.
Cijenjeni zastupnici,
Hrvatska je predstavila svoju kandidaturu za clanstvo u Vijecu sigurnosti u mandatu 2008/2009. Moja zemlja nikad nije bila clanica Vijeca sigurnosti, pa bi naše clanstvo bilo ne samo veliko priznanje za Hrvatsku, nego i prepoznavanje svih napora koji su uspješno uloženi u mir i stabilnost jugoistocne Europe.
Ponosimo se našim postignucima otkako smo postali zemlja clanica Ujedinjenih naroda u svibnju 1992. Percipirana u pocetku kao europsko bure baruta, Hrvatska je izrasla u jednog od kljucnih graditelja i promicatelja stabilnosti u jugoistocnoj Europi i šire. S rastucim gospodarstvom, bitno proširenom mrežom auto-cesta i cvjetajucim turizmom, Hrvatska je danas cvrsto okrenuta buducnosti. I mogu s pouzdanošcu reci da ono najbolje tek dolazi.
Hrvatska uspješno kroci putem euro-atlantskih integracija s jasnim ciljem EU i NATO clanstva. Dobri bilateralni odnosi sa svim našim susjedima i šire, prekogranicna i regionalna suradnja, kao i konstruktivni multilateralizam, ostaju temeljem hrvatske vanjske politike.
Moja se zemlja ubrzano priprema za otvaranje pregovora o pristupanju s Europskom unijom pocetkom 2005. Uvjereni smo da ce Hrvatska u cjelosti i na vrijeme ispuniti sve kriterije u tom zahtjevnom postupku. Vec smo potvrdili našu odlucnost i sposobnost za reforme kroz ispunjenje Kopenhaških kriterija za status kandidata za Europsku uniju. Nije bilo nimalo lagano, ali konacni uspjeh Hrvatske pokazuje kako su teški rad i na reformama zasnovana politika najbolji ulozi za buducnost jedne države.
Hrvatska je spremna biti zemlja primjer u jugoistocnoj Europi, poticajuci i pomažuci svoje susjede u ostvarenju njihovih euroatlantskih ambicija. Perspektiva clanstva u Europskoj uniji potvrdila se kao najbolji poticaj državama srednje i jugoistocne Europe za provedbu sveobuhvatnih politickih, gospodarskih, institucionalnih i demokratskih reformi.
Ujedinjena Europa više nije san; ona je stvarnost na kojoj pocivaju blagostanje i sigurnost citavog kontinenta. Europska unija znaci gospodarsko blagostanje i suradnju, ona znaci stabilnost i sigurnost, ali je ponajprije i iznad svega skup posebnih vrijednosti. Mi svi dijelimo iste vrijednosti, ista nacela i istu opredjeljenost.
Slavni hrvatski pjesnik, Dobriša Cesaric, napisao je pjesmu o slapu cija su ljepota i snaga istkane tisucama malih kapi. Hrvatska kap dio je tog cuda zvanog jedna Europa.
Hrvatska je odlucna da doprinese najbolje što može uspjehu ove Organizacije i nacelima na kojima se temelji. Previše puta propuštamo shvatiti pravo znacenje rijeci koje su mnogo više od pukog imena naše Organizacije: Ujedinjeni narodi.
UN – ne postoji bolja globalna formula za rastuce izazove i potencijale, za terete, nade i ocekivanja u novom stoljecu.
Hvala. (kraj)
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