A group of North Atlantic Council (NAC) Permanent Representatives (PermReps) met with French Air Force General Stéphane Abrial, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), May 13-14 in Norfolk, Virginia.
A group of North Atlantic Council (NAC) Permanent Representatives (PermReps) met with French Air Force General Stéphane Abrial, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), May 13-14 in Norfolk, Virginia.
Artur Kuko of Albania, Igor Pokaz of Croatia, Pascale Andréani of France, Martin Erdmann of Germany, István Kovács of Hungary, and Bogusaw Winid of Poland, began the visit May 13 with dinner and discussions with Abrial.
Upon arrival to Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), May 14, the PermReps met with Abrial before attending a roundtable discussion with HQ SACT's leadership on SACT's main priority areas in which Allied Command Transformation (ACT) is currently working, such as the Strategic Concept and ACT's contribution to a comprehensive approach.
UK Royal Navy Vice Admiral Robert Cooling, ACT Chief of Staff, also met with the PermReps at the dinner and roundtable discussion where he took the opportunity to speak to them on the importance of their visit to ACT.
“Your presence sends a very strong signal,” said Cooling. “We are grateful for the significant effort you made to be here.”
The roundtable discussions encompassed topics on training, transformation, defence planning, network transformation, counter improvised explosive devices (C-IED) and capabilities engineering.
“Our goal is to get you to see what we offer to your Nations and the Alliance. We see you, the Nations, as the supported commander. We see ACT as the supporting command,” said Cooling.
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