The United States' House of Representatives unanimously adopted on 30 July 2008 the H. Res. 1266 resolution, congratulating Croatia and Albania on being invited to begin accession talks with NATO.
The resolution also explicitly recognises the historical importance and achievements of the two countries, which have proven their dedication to the common security and values of NATO members. Furthermore, the resolution welcomes the signing of the Protocol on the Accession of Albania and Croatia to NATO by its members on 9 July 2008, which opened the path for the two countries' NATO membership.
The United States' House of Representatives unanimously adopted on 30 July 2008 the H. Res. 1266 resolution, congratulating Croatia and Albania on being invited to begin accession talks with NATO.
The resolution also explicitly recognises the historical importance and achievements of the two countries, which have proven their dedication to the common security and values of NATO members. Furthermore, the resolution welcomes the signing of the Protocol on the Accession of Albania and Croatia to NATO by its members on 9 July 2008, which opened the path for the two countries' NATO membership.
The significance of H. Res. 1266 is that it expresses the House of Representatives' strong support for a timely completion of Croatia and Albania's NATO accession process, as well as for a further enlargement of the Alliance.
The resolution's main initiator was California Congressman Elton Gallegly, the leader of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Europe. The resolution was co-sponsored by another 31 representatives (including co-chairs of the Croatian Caucus George Radanovich and Peter Visclosky, and Chairman of the United States delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly John Tanner). The H. Res. 1266 resolution was presented in the House of Representatives on 11 June 2008 and unanimously adopted by its Foreign Policy Committee on 16 July 2008.
Said resolution is a follow-up to the resolution of the same title and content, unanimously adopted by the US Senate on 19 May 2008 (S. Res. 570).
Mario Dragun
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