- Published: 12.12.2018.
New Croaticum Winter School of the Croatian Language and Culture starts in January 2019
New Croaticum Winter School of Croatian Language and Culture will be held in Zagreb from 28 January 2019 till 15 February 2019.
Croaticum Winter School of the Croatian Language and Culture is held over three weeks and consists of 75 lessons about Croatian language and culture (75×45 minutes; 4 language lessons per day, 2 lessons of speech exercises per week and 9 culture lessons during three weeks). Classes are held every working day in the morning and early afternoon.
Croaticum Winter School of the Croatian Language and Culture is accredited as Croatian Language and Culture Course. Successful completion of the programme earns students 4 ECTS credits.
More information is available on the web page of Croaticum: http://croaticum.ffzg.unizg.hr/?page_id=2982.
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