Croatian Ambassador handed the letters of credence to the President of the Republic of Mauritius
Croatian Ambassador to Mauritius Mr Ivan Picukaric (based in Pretoria, South Africa) handed his letters of credence to the President of the Republic of Mauritius Sir Anerood Jugnauth.
Croatian Ambassador to Mauritius Mr Ivan Picukaric (based in Pretoria, South Africa) handed his letters of credence to the President of the Republic of Mauritius Sir Anerood Jugnauth.
President Jugnauth had a quite long, friendly talk with the Ambassador. The information on foreign policy priorities and activities of the two states were exchanged. They also discussed about the possibilities for development of bilateral cooperation between Croatia and Mauritius, and their cooperation in international organizations.
During his stay in Mauritius, the Croatian Ambassador was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cooperation of Mauritius Mr Madan Murlidhar Dulloo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Mr A. P. Neewoor, and Ambassador T. W. Wan Chat Kwong, Head of the Bilateral Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cooperation of Mauritius. Ambassador Picukaric also had a separate meeting with Mr Mahmood Cheeroo, Secretary-General of the Mauritian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
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